Louisiana Office of Lt. Governor
Billy Nungusser
Oversees the Louisiana department of culture recreation and tourism which plays an important role in promoting equine tourism in the state.
Louisiana Dept. of Agriculture & Forestry
Mike Strain DVM, Commissioner
Designated as the supervising agency for the distribution of the funds or revenue coming from the new sports betting tax that will be used to support the Louisiana Equine Industry. Dr. Mike Strain, the commissioner, appoints some of the members of the newly created Equine promotion and research board which will make decisions on how these funds will be distributed.
LSU Equestrian Team
Baton Rouge, LA
Affiliation: Intercollegiate Horse Show Association
Type: Hunt Seat
Status: Active
Coach: Leaf Boswell
Zoe Martin, President
Tulane Equestrian Team
New Orleans, LA
Affiliation: Intercollegiate Horse Show Association
Type: Hunt Seat
Status: Inactive
Contact: Kristen Davis
Huntseat Team at McNeese State University
Lake Charles, LA
Affiliation: Intercollegiate Horse Show Association
Type: Hunt Seat
Status: Inactive
Contact: Elizabeth Greenhouse 337-499-7276
University of Louisiana Equestrian Team
Lafayette, LA
Affiliation: Intercollegiate Horse Show Association
Type: Hunt Seat
Status: Active
Contact: 832-909-5480
LSU Rodeo Team
Alexandria, LA
Affiliation: National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association
Type: Rodeo
Status: Active
Contact: 832