Legislative & Governmental Affairs - Daniel Lyons, Chair
Reviews legislative proposals, interacts with governmental agencies and comments on proposals or initiatives put forth by agencies. Advocates for changes in laws and government programs that positively impacts the equine industry as a whole regarding equine activities, land, facilities, programs, health & welfare, grants, and trail use and expansion.

Trails, Land Use & Zoning - Edwin S. "Happy" Broussard, Chair
This dynamic committee works with state parks and government to maintain and protect current horse trails and develop new ones for recreational use in our state. Communicates with Board and forms working sub-committees if needed to resolve District Trails issues when they arise. In each state district we also have Trails Captains and Teams who coordinate trail rides, endurance rides, and fun outdoor competitive trail events. Visit our Louisiana Trails Page to meet the Trail Captains and find out about the beautiful equine trails of Louisiana.

Educational Clinics - Dr. Clint Depew, Chair
Devoted to developing a state that is well educated on horsemanship techniques and skills, this committee communicates with District Clinic organizers to coordinate educational clinics through out the state. If you would like to join this committee as a District Clinic Organizer, contact Dr. Depew. Click this link, District Clinics Group, for Clinics discussions and information.

Public Relations, Website and Marketing - Vacant, Chair
This fun committee blogs and Vlogs and does exciting or informational and educational Podcasts. We welcome folks to our committee who want to contribute to our social media (You Tube, Instagram, & Hoofbeat News Blog) with their creative, fun, educational, newsworthy, committee approved, district LEC related content!

Membership Meeting Coordination -Sharyon Thompson, Chair
This is the committee that initially receives all event information and channels it to the appropriate committees for promotion. This dynamic committee insures that all LEC events run smoothly and that all aspects of an event are within the guidelines of the LEC by laws. It is responsible for adding the finishing touches, from brochures to decor, to seating, to food and beverage when required. Coordinates the Annual Meeting food and supplies and any other LEC social or membership drive event insuring that it meets with our standards as an organization.

Youth Outreach - Perry Fontenot, Chair
This important committee works to develop equine related youth programs throughout our state providing general educational opportunities for equine owners through short courses and clinics including administering and promoting scholarship award programs. Youth organizations such as FFA, 4-H, US Pony Club, breed associations, etc. benefit from council assisted programs representing youth interests at the local, state and national levels.

Horse Health, & Welfare - Dr. Rachel Cezar- Martinez, Chair
Keeps members well informed of equine health and welfare issues in our state. Educates through articles and clinics. Addresses welfare issues within the state's equine community that will positively affect the quality and performance of equines in a variety of areas including emergency disaster response, slaughter, safe transportation and rescue. Informs the horse industry of disease problems through continuing education formats. Maintains media contact to alert and inform equine owners about health issues.

English Riding - Vacant, Chair
This committee aides organizations and clubs coordinate english events through publicizing and any other way we can be of assitance. This committee may also initiate and coordinate an LEC English event.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Robbin Rosalis, Chair
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, some studies put women horse ownership at 90 percent compared to men. Women as well as others under-represented have a voice in this state regarding equine affairs. This committee ensures keeping those under-represented informed about issues that are happening around the state, that may need our attention on a whole.

Membership Development - Vacant, Chair
Manages Membership Development by planning and executing drives in various state districts insuring there are brochures on hand and coordinating drive efforts through committee volunteers. Reviews proposals for new member services and makes recommendations to the board. Brings the message of the counciil to the public and industry members. Encourages active memberships and publicizes efforts and accomplishements of the Council.

Western Riding - Jesse Jordan, Chair
This committee aides organizations and clubs within the western and ranch riding communities coordinate events through publicizing and in any other way we can be of assistance. This committee may also coordinate an LEC Western event.

Awards, Sponsorships and Scholarships - Vacant, Chair
This committee assists in the search and honor of those individuals who have given selfishly to promote the equine industry in Louisiana. Among the many genres of horse life, these honored people have strived to improve breeding, care,
training, promotion, medical care, research & development, transportation, shows, events, youth development, elementary, secondary, and post graduate education, rescue, rehabilitation, assisted programs, English riding, western riding, and many
other areas. We are proud to recognize and honor their achievements.