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State Equine Legislature

Section 1. R.S. 49:170.20 and 170.21 are hereby enacted to read as follows:
§170.20. Equine Capital of Louisiana; St. Landry Parish

The parish of St. Landry is hereby designated as the "Equine Capital of Louisiana".
§170.21. Thoroughbred Breeding Capital of Louisiana; St. Tammany Parish
St. Tammany Parish is hereby designated as the "Thoroughbred Breeding Capital of Louisiana".


(A). The design shall include the words "Equine Promotion".
C. The special prestige license plate shall be issued, upon application, to 
any citizen of Louisiana in the same manner as any other motor vehicle license plate.

D. The department shall collect an annual royalty fee of twenty-five  dollars that shall be disbursed in accordance with Subsection E of this Section.
This fee shall be in addition to the standard motor vehicle license tax imposed by Article VII, Section 5 of the Constitution of Louisiana, and a handling fee of three dollars and fifty cents for each plate to be retained by the department to
offset a portion of administrative costs.
E. The annual royalty fee shall be collected by the department and deposited into the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board
Special Prestige License Plate Dedicated Fund Account. The money received from the royalty

fees shall be used to distribute grant funds as the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board so desires.
F. The secretary shall promulgate and adopt rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the provisions of this Section.
G. There is hereby created, as a special statutorily dedicated fund account within the state treasury, the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board Special Prestige License Plate Dedicated Fund Account, hereafter referred to in this Subsection as the "account".
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after compliance with the requirements of Article VII, Section 9(B) of the Constitution of Louisiana
relative to the Bond Security and Redemption Fund, and after a sufficient amount is allocated to pay all of the obligations secured by the full faith and credit of the state which become due and payable within any fiscal year, the treasurer shall pay an amount equal to the annual royalty fee collected by the department into the account. All of the monies in the account shall be
appropriated each year by the legislature to the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board for application first to pay principal and interest on any debt issued by the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board and second to pay any operating expenses of the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board. Monies deposited into the account shall be categorized as fees and self-generated revenue for the sole purpose of
reporting related to the executive budget, supporting documents, and general
appropriation bills and shall be available for annual appropriation by the legislature.


To appropriate funds and to make certain reductions from certain sources to be allocated to designated agencies and purposes in specific amounts for the making of supplemental appropriations and reductions for said agencies and purposes for FiscalYear 2021-2022; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of Louisiana:
Section 1. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the sources specified for
the purpose of making supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. 


(pertaining to the Equine Industry)

Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Agriculture and Forestry - Pass Through Funds Program for the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board

§463.214. Special prestige license plate; "Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board".

A.(1) The secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections shall establish a special prestige motor vehicle license plate to be known as the "Equine Promotion" plate, provided there is a minimum of one thousand applicants for such plate. The plate shall be restricted to use on passenger cars, pickup trucks, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, and vans.

(2) The Department of Public Safety and Corrections, office of motor vehicles, shall create the special prestige license plate when the applicable statutory provisions are met and the department's electronic vehicle and title registration system is updated to accommodate the creation of new plates.

B. The secretary shall work in conjunction with the chairman of the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board to select the colorand design of the plate, provided it is in compliance with R.S. 47:463

§2071. Legislative intent
The legislature intends by this Chapter to authorize the equine industry
to establish a self-governed program to support the growth and development of
the industry in Louisiana.
§2072. Name and purpose
A. The name of the program created and organized by this Chapter shall be the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Program.
B. The purpose of the program is to support the growth and development of the equine industry in Louisiana by enhancing research, education,
promotion, facilities, tourism, events, and equine-related activities throughout the state.

As used in this Chapter:
(1) "Board" means the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board.
(2) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of agriculture and 6 forestry.
(3) "Equine" means all members of the genus Equus, regardless of age, including horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, and zebras.
(4) "Equine educational program" means any event focused on improving a participant's understanding of equines.
(5) "Equine event" means any kind of show, exposition, contest, or tournament where equines are shown competitively.
(6) "Equine facility" means any facility used to host equine events.
(7) "Equine industry member" means any person with an interest and background in the requirements of owning, breeding, showing, or managing equines.
(8) "Equine performance" means any discipline within the equine  industry where equines are used competitively or in exhibition.
(9) "Equine research" means any scholarly activity conducted to collect scientific data utilizing experimental design.
(10) "Program" means the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Program.

 (11) "Promotion of the equine industry" means the development of a comprehensive marketing plan for the equine industry including a website,
social media, and an advertising program that includes all breeds, disciplines, and equine-related activities.
(12) "Therapeutic riding and rehabilitation center" means any Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International accredited program that utilizes equine-assisted activities to contribute  positively to the cognitive, physical, and social well-being of individuals.


(13) "Trail facility" means a facility with routes planned specifically for public equine use as well as necessary support areas such as camping facilities.


 §2074. The Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board; creation and organization
The Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board is hereby created within the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. The board shall be domiciled in Baton Rouge. The board shall consist of thirteen members appointed by the commissioner as follows:
(1) One member who is engaged in the equine event business appointed from a list of three persons nominated by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Inc.
(2) One member who is engaged in the trail facility business appointed from a list of three persons nominated by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Inc.
(3) One member who is engaged in equine educational programs from an accredited post secondary education institution in Louisiana.
(4) One member engaged in the promotion of the equine industry appointed from a list of three persons nominated by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Inc.
(5) One member who is engaged in equine research from an accredited post secondary education institution in Louisiana.
(6) Two members who are engaged in equine performance.
(7) Two members who are engaged in equine racing.
(8) One member who is an owner or operator of a therapeutic riding and rehabilitation center appointed from a list of three persons nominated by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Inc.
(9) One member who is an owner or operator of an equine facility appointed from a list of three persons nominated by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Inc.SB NO. 103 ENROLLED
(10) One member appointed from a list of three persons nominated by the Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeder Association.
(11) One member appointed from a list of three persons nominated by the Louisiana Thoroughbred Breeders Association.


5 C.

(1) The commissioner, or his designee, shall serve as an ex officio member in an advisory capacity only.
(2) The lieutenant governor, or his designee, shall serve as an ex officio member in an advisory capacity only.
(3) The president of Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Inc., or his designee, shall serve as an ex officio member in an advisory capacity only.

1D. Members shall serve at the pleasure of the commissioner and shall serve terms concurrent with the term of the commissioner making theappointment.

E. An organization authorized to make nominations for appointment to the board shall submit its list of nominees within thirty days after the commissioner requests the list. The commissioner shall make all appointments to the board no later than thirty days after receiving the list of nominees. The board should be representative of the state's population by race and gender to ensure diversity.

 F. A vacancy in the office of a member shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. Persons appointed to fill vacancies shall serve for the unexpired portion of the vac ated term.


G. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All official actions of the board shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the board present and voting.

 H. Members of the board shall receive no compensation.

 I. The board shall meet at least twice a year and may meet at other times on the call of the chairman or any four members.

 J. The board, by a vote of a majority of the members, may expel a member for good cause shown. Good cause shall include but shall not be limited

11 D. Members shall serve at the pleasure of the commissioner and shall serve terms concurrent with the term of the commissioner making the

14 E. An organization authorized to make nominations for appointment to the board shall submit its list of nominees within thirty days after the commissioner requests the list. The commissioner shall make all appointments
to the board no later than thirty days after receiving the list of nominees. The
board should be representative of the state's population by race and gender to
ensure diversity.

20 F. A vacancy in the office of a member shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. Persons appointed to fill vacancies shall serve for the unexpired portion of the vac ated term.
23 G. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All official actions of the board shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the board present and voting.
26 H. Members of the board shall receive no compensation.
27 I. The board shall meet at least twice a year and may meet at other times on the call of the chairman or any four members.
29 J. The board, by a vote of a majority of the members, may expel a member for good cause shown. Good cause shall include but shall not be limited  to three consecutive unexcused absences. The expulsion of a member creates a
vacancy in the office of the expelled member.

3 K. The board shall meet and organize as soon as practicable after appointment of the members, and shall elect a chairman, vice chairman, and
secretary-treasurer from the membership of the board, whose duties shall be those customarily exercised by such officers or specifically designated by the board. Officers shall serve a one-year term.

8 §2075. Powers and duties
9 A. The board shall:
(1) Advise the commissioner on the development and maintenance of the Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Program.
(2) Maintain a permanent record of its proceedings.
(3) Submit an annual report of its activities to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development and the HouseCommittee on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development by
January first of each year.

17 B. The board may:
(1) Provide information to governmental entities upon request on subjects of concern to the equine industry and collaborate with the state or
federal government on the development and administration of the program.
(2) Cooperate with any local, state, regional, or national organization or agency engaged in activities consistent with the objectives of the program.

23 C. The commissioner may:
(1) Adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to administer theprogram. All rules an d regulations shall be adopted in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.
(2) Enter into contracts or other agreements to accomplish any purpose authorized by this Chapter, including advertising, education, marketing,promotion, research, or services.

30 §2076. Funding

To achieve the purposes of this Chapter, the commissioner may accept and expend monies from any source, including gifts, contributions, donations,  state appropriations, and federal grants and may accept and use services from
individuals, corporations, and governmental entities.


 §2077. Use of funds
Funds made available to the commissioner shall be expended to effectuate the purposes ofthis Chapter includingbut not limited to the following

 (1) To attract national contests, shows, and equine events to Louisiana.
(2) To develop and promote equine tourism through the enhancement of equine trails and camping facilities.
(3) To support therapeutic riding and rehabilitation programs.
(4) To develop educational programs and disseminate educational materials about the equine industry.

(5) To support the enhancement and maintenance of public multi-use equine facilities.
(6) To promote activities,facilities, events, and the needs ofthe Louisiana equine industry.
(7) To contract for scientific research with any accredited postsecondary education institution or similar educational institution that will assist in
carrying out the purposes of the program, including equine health, welfare,

management, reproduction, nutrition, and general physiology.

Section 2. R.S. 36:629(T) is hereby enacted to read as follows:
§629. Transfer of boards, commissions, departments, and agencies to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. The Louisiana Equine Promotion and Research Advisory Board (R.S.
28 3:2071 et seq.) is placed within the Department of Agriculture and Forestry and
shall perform and exercise its powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities as
provided by law.

2021 ACTS

ACT No. 168, Senate Bill #103


Limitation of liability of equine activity sponsor; exceptions; required warning.  In Short, a warning sign as pictured below is required for all equine related activities on your facilities by Louisiana Law. The lettering needs to be in black print, with each letter to be a minimum of 1 inch tall.   Click here for detailed information on this law.  The LSU Ag Center has a great write up on this topic.  

Every person riding an animal or driving any animal-drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this Chapter, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. 

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The Louisiana Equine Council is a non-profit organization established to provide a unified voice for all Louisiana equestrians regardless of equine breed or discipline. 

Breed Associations
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