This is a list of the Louisiana Equine Council Trails Committee. These people have
volunteered their time to make the upcoming 2024 trail rides successful and to

promote LEC. Rides are scheduled for February 16,17,18 at the PJF Farm in the Ville Platte area and for April 12, 13,14 at Rustic Sky Horse Camp. There is another ride in the planning for the end of 2024 at the Bogue Chitto State Park.
Edwin “Happy” Broussard – Trails Chair & Committee Director
Alice Broussard – Director’s Assistant
Ginger Schouest – Secretary Pro Tem
Dr. Rachel Cezar Martinez - Coggins
Dino Fitch - Chef
Michael Bower – Games, Trail Scout
Marty Floyd – Fire Chief
Jesse Jordan – Front Gate Captain of Check Ins
Perry Fontenot – Master of Ceramony (MC)
Ronnie Bertinot - Trail Boss
Schuyler Wright – Rustic Sky Ride Planner
Maria Vaughn – Front Gate
Terrill Vaughn – Front Gate
Patsy Frazier – Bogue Chitto Ride Planner
Howard Cormier - Trail Boss
Daniel Dauphin - Clinics
Robbin Rosalis – Website, Facebook
Dawn Vannoy – Parking Coordinator
Dona Nugent – Bogue Chitto Ride Planner
Terry Thibodeaux – Games, Trails Scout
Author: Edwin "Happy" Broussard, LEC Board Member, Trails Committee Chair

Hello All My Fellow LEC Trail People! We are blessed in Louisiana to have such awesome places to ride! I am going to the point, now! Since the last tornados ravished our central LA area, there are still a lot of trails to fix! The staff and friends at Rustic, for one example, have done an AWESOME job at cleaning up and making trails safe and fun! However, there are some not-so-travelled trails in other areas that need the same attention. One example is Camp Livingston in Ball, LA! It has a lot of really good trails, beautiful creeks, and a favorite of locals to day ride! However, it is great need...the few bridges still in tact are ver…