The Louisiana Equine Council (LEC) is excited to announce the opening of nominations for the 2024 Hall of Fame Award. Anyone may nominate a candidate for this award. A candidate must have had a great and favorable impact on the Louisiana equine industry. Membership in the Louisiana Equine Council Hall of Fame is a means of honoring those whose efforts have been valuable and integral to the Louisiana equine industry while being unselfish in the nature of their actions. This award is not merely to congratulate people for being successful competitors, breeders, etc.
Nominee must have made outstanding and significant contributions to the
Louisiana equine industry over a significant period of years as a breeder,
educator, competitor, researcher, and/or trainer, etc.
The contributions must have been influential to and supportive of the
growth of the equine industry.
The nominee must be known to practice fair and humane treatment of
animals at all times.
This award may be given posthumously.
If you would like to apply for this award or nominate another person, please go the Louisiana Equine Council web site About Us/LEC Hall of Fame section for
information and a Nomination Form. https://www.laequinecouncil.com/lec-hall-of-fame
Nominations should be submitted by November 15 to Sharyon Thompson at 104 Morgan Street, Ball, LA 71405.
The Nominee will then be contacted to complete a Nominee Acceptance and Professional History form. Nominee information packets should be received no later than December 5th for review and voting. The recipient of this award will be announced at the Annual Meeting in January, 2024.